WHAT IS OT?? Occupational therapy is a science-driven, evidence-based profession that enables people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health and prevent—or live better with—illness, injury or disability.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

We arent in the city anymore...

Hi all

After a week of long days including a seminar from Dr Carey, an Australian OT whom is working with stroke sensory recovery from a training program perspective using neurological aspects. It was amazing to listen to and I would love to one day continue on with my education and also get my phd in neurology. Such a beautiful science. My classmates and I also did our first IN_HOME assessment for an 88-year old woman. We used the I-Hope to determine her barriers within her home. It was such a fun experience and it felt like a glimpse of being an OT. And lastly, I am working with a group of kids whose mothers are in a residence facility for recovering addicts. I get to create small groups for the kids and work on issues such as bullying. I really loved it and am so excited for the weeks ahead.

And after all this class and many hours of extra school work, my friend Diane celebrated her 24th birthday at hard rock and wild country.

yes, wild country which is on Horseshoe lane in a small suburb of Illinois. And it was a line dancing place.... to say the least it was a culture shock. I felt like I had walked into a movie like Hope Floats or some small town western movie.  It was awesome. After watching for a while my friends and I joined in and tried out some moves. It was so fun and funny. I even had a nice country boy ask me to dance. It was a blast!! And now back to home. PS it was in the 70s today! Beautiful and sunny. Oh st Louis sometimes I actually enjoy you!

Mike and Chelsea dancing

allison and I

my pre-dancing photo :)

as we walked in the view.

the outside.
love u all!!

Monday, February 14, 2011



Love is all around us.... spread love...


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Last week and next week.

We finally went to hockey on Friday after the longest week of my life. Rough week!!!!![ps that is an understatement] But classes are almost caught up after all the extra classes due to the snow days in the week before last. School is good and I feel excited for most of my classes. I have a home modification class which is awesome and neuro which is always my favorite. I am also starting volunteering for an organization that has a residence program for women recovering from addiction and their children. I will be doing small skill and task groups with the kids on Thursday nights. I am excited for this new experience and working on my OT skills.
Hockey was amazing!!!!! We yelled and screamed and finally finished the game in a 9 shot shootout. Sadly we [the blues] lost but I am excited for the next game. :)
Today was 60 degrees here in st louis. WOW right! After weeks and weeks of snow and ice and sing digit temperatures WE ARE ALMOST IN SPRING! Beautiful stroll around the center west end with my new shorter haircut [not too much shorter just 3.5 inches off].

BIG news! Emily is almost 13!!! Its crazy! I can not believe my baby sister is so old!!!

Ok back to reading lbs of reading assignments and to take 2 neuro quizzes before studying for a neuro quiz on wed and paraquad lab time on tues!!

amanda :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Weekends are so much fun!

Last night we were supposed to go to the Blues game but OH NO sold out so we got tickets for next week and I can't wait for my first Blues/hockey games EVER! But instead of hockey we went to dinner and piano bar- so funnnnnn.

And today ice skating and SNOWWWW

and now studying before the super bowl tomorrow:)

love u all and yes I do have school too! But it is Neuro and my major was most of the same stuff. ha

miss u all!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

BIrthday weekend

I am officially 24 and by Papa's definition an OLD MAID! Thanks Papa! :)
But this weekend was by no means a weekend of an old maid... we played hard and rung in my 24th year with a bang. From sushi to cheesecake to atomic cowboy's reggae music to champagne brunch to baskets of fruit arrangements and finishing with pizza parties... I had a wonderful weekend. I am so blessed to have such beautiful friends at Wash U. I am so thankful to be surrounded by love and friendship. After losing Patti early last week I feared that I would not be able to overcome my heartache but my friends were there. They understood and gave me the best birthday ever. Keeping me so happy and full of joy. I am so blessed. My friends here are amazing and I can not wait to give them each birthday weekends just like mine!

Thank you to my beautiful Artner Grandma and Grandfather for their card and Papa & Aunt Alyce for their card. I am so blessed to have such a beautiful family!! Can't wait until March! :)

love and hugs