WHAT IS OT?? Occupational therapy is a science-driven, evidence-based profession that enables people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health and prevent—or live better with—illness, injury or disability.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

May 6th come faster..

As the semester draws to an end, I crave yogurt, otter pops, and endless sun to tan in! I am grateful for the days of sun and am so excited to be going home MAY 6th!!! But now its time to get back into shape... day 2 of running went well and i am enjoying the change in diet. But how I wish I was home and mom could just make me yummy good food and we could spa with a glass of wine.

oh I have no class Thursday and Friday WOOHOOO!!! And AGAIN no class next FRIDAY!!!
Ideas of what to do???
-cards games

Saturday, April 9, 2011

And so the HEAT begins..

St Louis is an interesting place... After weeks of FREEZING weather and ice storms and snow, today it will 85 degrees and humid. WOW what a change it is and interestingly humidity does funny things to my hair. ha. It is days like today that make be thankful for ice coffee and lounge chairs and for our penthouse's balcony. :)
Love to you all!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

its only tuesday...

As another week starts and I am finally feeling a bit better, which i should even speak bc it will just backfire and i'll be sick AGAin, I can't believe I am almost done with my first year of OT school. It has gone so fast and so much of my life has changed in beautiful ways. I have lived in st louis missouri for almost eight months, have experienced my first real winter season, have found my passion for which i am grateful every day, have tightened the wonderful bonds within my family, and choose only to surround myself with love and happiness. I have loosened the bounds of doubt and stressfulness. I am so lucky to be here for this moment on my journey.
The next few weeks will be hard and with planning and laughter I will get to return home MAY 6th for about two weeks before returning to St Louis to work on my research lab. I finally feel like my chance to change the world is nearing and with all the knowledge I will gain from research and teamwork i know i can do it. :)
Miss Em-rose... I miss you xxxxx10000000. I bet u r just exited to play with my ipad when i get home. hha love you

amanda :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Autism Awareness Month

Yup it is finally here!!! A month dedicated to my mission in life. To find a cure and the cause of Autism.  As we start this month let us "light it up blue" and use this site to find out about events near u  http://www.lightitupblue.org/  :)

Autism affects everyone. Our brothers, sisters, cousins, relatives, friends, neighbors, and everyone knows someone who deals with this syndrome everyday! Let us all join together and celebrate differences but also fight for a cure.


Another week done.

Thank goodness the longest week ever is over. After taking the red eye back to st louis and going directly to Monday's classes I am finally getting a break. I also survived my first big flu of the new year and my seasonal allergies are starting up... come on st louis give me a break. 5 weeks and I am back to CALI!!!! May 9th to be exact!!! :) thank goodness.

Good news: baseball season has started and I LOVE baseball season. Go Cards!!!! AND its the weekend! woot woot weekend.

wish me luck on the next few weeks.. rough waters ahead!
