WHAT IS OT?? Occupational therapy is a science-driven, evidence-based profession that enables people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health and prevent—or live better with—illness, injury or disability.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


The weather is now in the 90s everyday!!! My oh MY!!! In an attempt to cool off, my friends and I have bought, blown up, and filled a family size kiddy pool!!! Its amazing. We put it on the roof deck and I have lived up there every since. AMAZING!!!

School is going well. Tiring and lots of reading of articles... so many ideas about research projects... but which one to pick. as of now- I am leaning towards looking at how sensory modulation effects executive function and theory of mind of children with autism.

peace and love

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer Session

Back to school and almost back into the rhythm of it all. This summer is mostly filled with reading a million articles about autism and deciding which area I can and want to research. As of now, I'm a tad overwhelmed and definitely have no clue which way I'm going.

But in an attempt to remain sane, I have deciding to add more leisure activities into my weekly routine. Last night we went to a twilight tuesday music performance in the park. It was in front of the history museum and it was amazing. It was the equivalent of a few hundred wine and cheese parties combined all sitting in their folding chairs with wine holders stuck next to their chair. It was awesome, next week I will have my cheese plate :)

week 2 is half way through,,,, July 8th... and ill be home!!

all my love.