WHAT IS OT?? Occupational therapy is a science-driven, evidence-based profession that enables people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health and prevent—or live better with—illness, injury or disability.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

BTD and Lighting the city

I have really come to love my Tuesday nights at the barn. Melanie lets me ride every week after the lessons which consequently makes me sore for the next two days. But we had one young man on Tuesday that made my night. He walked in crying and in panic, his caregiver explained this happened once in a while and there was no way to stop it. We got him up on Turbee and after one lap around the area, the boy was laugh and singing to the horse and to the sidewalkers and myself. He was so happy and gleeful. I was beautiful and made me realize that simplicity is the heart of happiness and joy. It was touching and mushy gushy me definitely shed a tear at the end of the 30 minute session. This young man who was my age had been handed some major disabilities and struggles and he did not complain. He allowed this world to be full of joy and love. He knows the Lord and all of His gifts to us. The everyday simple gifts. I was uplifted! Wish everyday was Tuesday!

The rest of the week was difficult and as I struggled to keep from drowning in assignment I ate some really good foods and took naps. Also wore the onesie mom and Emmi sent to me- it is red with monkeys on the feet. I must say I look GOOD in it!!! :)

Then we saw Harry Potter Friday and I was blown away by how good it was!! We went to chase plaza again and this time they had an organist playing before the show.. oh st Louis!

Finally Friday night was the lighting of st Louis. FredBird (cardinals), Rampage (Rams), Yoga, and many more odd mascots came to help Santa and his friends LIGHT up the trees downtown followed by fireworks. It was beautiful and what a view it is to watch fireworks from a amphitheater downtown looking out to the Mississippi river with the arch and fireworks.  AMAZING. We followed this with an amazing Italian dinner. AND then returned to study!! Gosh I wish every night did not end with "and then we studied". ha- on side note a child standing next to us started bad mouthing Disneyland and i told him off, "excuse me lil child, but have u ever BEEN to Disneyland..I think not, don't talk shit!!".

Today is essay finishing day, Hat shopping, and my first of 3 turkey meals!!!
<3 I come home in 29 days!!!!!! Cant wait, Peace and LOVE

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