This week is all about getting ready for my first rotation which starts next Monday at Children's Hospital in St Louis. I will be doing outpatient nuero. This week is full of excitement, finally getting to practice what I have been learning for the past 7 weeks. Although full of assignment, I was positively energized.
Today I received news that sank in hard. A student at NDHS was killed yesterday after being hit by a car. His friends responded with creating groups on facebook to remember him. Upon reading my memories of Conor, I was thrown back to Jenn. The accident had similarities and I found myself lost in thoughts of eternity. The weeks after Jenn passed in 2001, I remember the inability to believe that she was gone. The long days and years that piled up until it became fact that she had left us. I feel deeply for the friends and family of Conor. Tragedy it is for a young spirit to have left us so early, so premature. In these times, let us again remember to share love; freely professing our feelings to the persons we care about. God has a plan for us, we are here to fulfill our own densities through Him and for Him. Although thrown into such busy and scheduled lives, please remember to love; proclaim it from the rooftops or in private but take a minute everyday to remind your loved ones.
For my family and friends I am truly thankful. I have been blessed with an amazing support system full of love and acceptance. I have been given hundreds of smiles and hugs to remind me that I am important, that i am special. Share kind words and acceptance of all. Do good, Give everything, and fill your heart with passion for God's family.
Thank you a million times for the love I feel all the way in St Louis.
Pray for healing for Conor's family and for the entire NDHS community.