WHAT IS OT?? Occupational therapy is a science-driven, evidence-based profession that enables people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health and prevent—or live better with—illness, injury or disability.

Friday, October 29, 2010


What a week...
This week I have learned so much. I have observed everything from Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to Outpatient Rehab. I was able to meet and follow some very interesting and talented OTs. They were eager to share their passions with me and remind me why I go to 40 hours of school a week...The one of the main OTs I was paired with worked 11 hour days and so I learned what 11 hrs without a nap felt like- it led to me falling asleep at 830p a mere hour and a half after I got home. Thus no homework was achieved this week except preforming the COPM (Canadian Occupational Performance Measure) which I had to administer for a class and the SOAP note I had to write about the interview.
I also have a maybe topic for my research which is really exciting. I am think Im going to formulate my question about sensory integration / sensory processing of premies in the NICU and 2 year follow up. Maybe look at neurological testing and progress. It is definitely in first stages and I dont really know if I actually will get the NICU as my lab but I hope. I would also love to one day work in the NICU and just work with little bittie babies.. :)
It is odd having all my friends gone. I had to ride the metro to the market yesterday after work but found a much better market than the one I had been going to. much less shady. ha. and i love downtown so it was a nice escape from the central west end (in which i live and where 90% of people are in scrubs).
OH, I realized I never wrote about the Gala that I volunteered at. It was for the Catholic Student Center and it was to raise money for student ministry. Jessica and I were assigned babysitting. I was so excited until they said 10 kids plus 2 infants. ha. But it ended up being so much fun. The kids were intense and crazy. But my favorite Jack became my lil green monster and clung to my back most of the evening. Izzy who looked like Boo from Monsters, Inc. fell asleep in my arms while Ansley jumped over couches at the Ritz Carlton where the Gala was held. Luckily they had us in a room way in the back away from people. It was a fun experience and I really enjoyed watching normal developmental children to again ignite my passion to create change for children whom are unable to meet their milestones. This week has been incredible but it will be nice to see my friend and relax and maybe even trick or treat this weekend.
OH, I am volunteering tomorrow for the Breast Cancer walk..630 call time...why oh why do i do this?! ha. But a few second years are working too so I will have someone to make sure I am awake.

ok so I think that is all. oh st louis is finally getting colder as of yesterday. cross ur fingers we dont have any more tornado warning :)
love and hugs

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