WHAT IS OT?? Occupational therapy is a science-driven, evidence-based profession that enables people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health and prevent—or live better with—illness, injury or disability.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cards Game!!!!!

After weeks of being a St Louis resident, I still had not made it to a Cardinals game and so we went!!!
9 of us (Chelsea, Lisa, Lori, Brittany, Heather, Mike,Allison,Stephanie, and Me- yes only 1 boy) but it was a Wash U Cards Night so we got to meet a TON of new grad students from the non-medical school. Since our campus is separate from the rest of Wash U it has been hard to branch out but my new friend Alex and I are putting together a mixer for the boys from the MBA program and the girls from OT! haha- I am thinking an 80s theme mixer.

Back to the game... the Cards were awesome (kinda) but it was a blast! We took the crazy metro full of Cards and Blues fans everyone dressed in red or blue!!! So fun! They played the Rockies whom lost horribly. :) woohoo Cards!!!
me, Allison, Chelsea, Mike

the group

brittany and me cheering


the game

the metro on the way home...

 Lisa and I!!!! :)
and now we study A LOT!!!!! For Monday's big anatomy test!
oh ps. I got an A on my first Paper on client centered care in terms of meanings and goals! And I think I found the lab I want to research in!! Neonatal Lab!!!

I love OT
hugs and love

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