WHAT IS OT?? Occupational therapy is a science-driven, evidence-based profession that enables people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health and prevent—or live better with—illness, injury or disability.

Friday, October 8, 2010

What a week...

This week was crazy... full of homework and class assignments. But I am done for now and I am about to head to the airport to come home for the weekend. Amy (my high school best friend) is getting married!!! I am so happy for her and so excited to see everyone. Tonight is the bachlorette party and in the Louisville HS tradition we are bringing our favorite quote to share with Amy. I am so blessed to have such incredible friends whom love and support have shaped me since I was little.

Last night we went to an event called Mindstorm, which consisted of a 7 min simulation of what having schizophrenia would be like and following was a discussion with a psychiatrist,  a social worker, and Joanie who has been living with schizophrenia for over 35 years. It was so interesting and I am so inspired by Joanie's story. She explained that although treated with many different medicines, she still hears voices consistently throughout every day. She explained that they never stop telling her to hurt herself but through her spiritual community and the Independence center here in st Louis, she knows there is hope and that she is someone, someone special and just because she lives with a mental illness does not make her any different than anyone else. She was beautiful and her dedication to living a good life through God was beautiful.

On a side note and a completely different topic... one of my professor is Carolyn Baum. She has been the president for AOTA and has written most of my text books. We had a lecture from her earlier in the week and I can not stop thinking about how amazing her passion is. She is truly one of my role models. As she spoke I scrambled to down quote after quote that rolled off her tongue. She talked about how we as a world live our normal lives through adaptive technology..  she says, how many people could get to the 30th floor in a building without an elevator. Then why do we disable individuals whom have disabilities. A totally abled man who happens to be in a wheelchair is disabled when a building does not have a ramp...why are we as a world disabling individuals?

Ok, I am off now.
Peace and Love
Amanda :)

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