WHAT IS OT?? Occupational therapy is a science-driven, evidence-based profession that enables people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health and prevent—or live better with—illness, injury or disability.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

2 weeks of school done...already

As I get ready to start my third week of school, I am finally starting to see a pattern. SCHOOL all day, Study all night, Friday nights karaoke. I mean if you're gunna work hard a little bit of play wont kill you.

Last night was my first day of our sports activity. I signed up for CP (Cerebral Palsy) Basketball. It was such an awesome experience. My kiddo, Louis, is awesome and even though during warm up he and i ran 14 laps while everyone else ran/walked about 2, I had a great time. We have 4 weeks of sports and I already can't wait until Friday!

As for fieldwork, I am waiting to hear where I will get placed. I told them I hoped to stay in St Louis but it depends on where has space. Cross your fingers that I get Rehab Center or Children's or Peter and Paul!!!

Anatomy , well what to say... its about 3/4 of the units I am taking this semester. Its intense but my amazing study group (Lisa, Chelsea, Allison, and Mike-yes there is one boy) gets together everyday to figure it all out.

Life is great and I am so in love with st Louis. For my theory class, I got to make a collage about my occupations of life and i realize i miss being creative- sad but grad school has very few coloring projects. ha

All my love!

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