WHAT IS OT?? Occupational therapy is a science-driven, evidence-based profession that enables people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health and prevent—or live better with—illness, injury or disability.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

End of the first week..

I am loving school. Yes, it is hard and I feel like I am in class most of every day but I LOVE IT! I am learning a lot but enjoying myself too. Ive made some nice friends and we are getting readying to pick sports experiences to work with organizations in the community. So exciting.

This past weekend we went to the St Louis Zoo(which is free and huge- these are a few pictures I took while we were there!)

Next was The Festival of Nations(which is a huge event in the park with all different countries represented). This was the Scotland man! I had a lamb gyro and it rocked!

I also finally tried sushi in St Louis!
I might not be kura but its still good!

And Finally WASH U OT Program had a semi formal picnic! It was so good and had live jazz music!
Me, Chelsea, and Lisa
World's Fair Pavilion
The Live Music

So, that is live so far! Currently we are having a lighting and thunder storm which means that tomorrow the humidity will be much lower! Thank goodness! I had my first paper due this evening and now just relaxing and studying/reading! I doubt the reading will ever end but I will get through! 

I love you all and miss you! I hope you enjoy reading about my time in st louis and eventually I will get to tell you all about my cadaver lab!! I met my cadaver on Tuesday and the smell almost made me pass out. ha!

hugs and love

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