WHAT IS OT?? Occupational therapy is a science-driven, evidence-based profession that enables people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health and prevent—or live better with—illness, injury or disability.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wow..grad school stress has offically started.

Quick note... I had my first test today which in grad school one test can be worth 20% of your overall grade BUT my test went great, I hope. :) and from here on out I have a test or a paper or both or many due every week. Next week I have: 1 anatomy check out, 1 essay due, 1 occupational interview paper, 1 biomechanic activity analysis of Upper Extremity  and Lower Extremity, 2 case studies, and a cooking project due. Plus normal reading and studying. Thank goodness for energy drinks and pita chips with hummus and red vines!

Oh but 2 great things to look forward to Greys Anatomy Party on Thursday and St Louis Cathedral Basilica's Community Festival on Saturday!

Ok back to my long night of trying to fit all my thoughts on client centered care into 3 pages and studying origin, insertion, action, and nerves of the back muscles.

:) love amanda

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